Electric graters and crushers for apples crush fruit into small pieces, while keeping the fruit seeds intact. The fruit mass obtained with the help of a crusher is easy to be pressed, and the juice yield is 50-70%.
Too fine a fraction (grinding apples to a puree state) can clog the filtering bag and the juice will turn out to be too cloudy with a high pulp content. Too large a fraction is difficult to press and as a result, the juice yield is reduced.
Fruit crushers are also suitable for crushing pears, quince (Cydonia), Japanese quince, grapes, pineapples, carrots, pumpkins, ginger and other fruits, vegetables and berries.
Electric fruit grinder will always be useful for preserving vegetables for the winter. For grating beets or carrots and other ready-made salads, and as a fodder cutter on your farm.