Hydraulic fruit press GP-26 - Wine press

Express Post - Delivery to United States (6 business days) - 239.94€
UPS Express - Delivery to United States (2 business days) - 286.12€
FedEx Economy - Delivery to United States (7 business days) - 286.58€
Latvian Post - Delivery to United States Priority (1-2 weeks) - 306.80€
DHL Express - Delivery to United States (3 business days) - 349.09€
- Basket capacity: 26 liters
- Basket height: 340 mm
- Basket diameter: 307 mm
- Dimensions and weight of the press: 43x51x72 cm, 24 kg
- Dimensions and weight of the packaging: 49х56х77 cm, 28 kg
- External diameter of the drain pan tube: 22 mm
- Performance: 100 liters per hour
- 3 years warranty
- Made in Latvia
The most popular model of the fruit press for home use. The press is perfect for squeezing juice and winemaking.
2-2,5 buckets of crushed apples are placed in the basket. In one cycle of operation (loading crushed fruit, squeezing juice, unloading) 13-18 liters of juice can be produced.
For crushing fruit in terms of productivity, an electric fruit crusher ESE-018 is enough. With this kit, more than 100 liters of juice per hour can be squeezed, if several people work at the same time, for example, the whole family. The first person picks and washes the fruit, the second crushes the apples, and the third person presses the juice. This fruit press can also be used for pressing juice from pears, grapes, other berries, other fruits and vegetables.
If you have larger apples growing in your garden (more than 85 mm in diameter), you can skip cutting the apples before crushing by choosing a larger model of the crusher, for example, ESE-055 (it’s feeding hole diameter is 125 mm).
Oak basket and piston
All parts of the press in contact with the juice, as well as all fasteners are made of natural oak or food grade stainless steel (AISI 304).
Stainless steel drain pan
The juice collection drain pan and basket rings are made of food grade stainless steel AISI 304, the drain pan wall thickness is 1,5 mm.
Convenient design
Powder coating of the frame creates a strong and durable protective coating. On the top of the frame there is a special stop for centering the jack.
Piston rings make it easy to remove. There are plastic feet on the base of the press for easy carrying and protection of the frame coating.
For the convenience of working with the press, a silicone tube can be put on the tube of the drain pan, the other end of which can be placed in the juice container. For this press, a 20x26 mm tube is suitable.
Everything you need to get started is already included in the set
The press set includes: metal frame with wooden platform, juice collection drain pan, basket, piston, wooden blocks (pine) – 3 pcs., 2T hydraulic jack, filtration bag (100% polyester), user guide.
Choosing a juice filtration bag
To obtain pure juice with a minimum pulp content, you need to use bags with a fine mesh: 100% polyester (lavsan) or 100% linen. Such a bag is suitable for squeezing juice from apples, pears, pineapple, ginger, rhubarb, grapes and other juicy hard fruits, berries or vegetables that contain large fibers. Berries and fruits with fine fibers will clog the filtration bag (e.g. black currant, plum, peach, etc.).
Linen fabric is very strong, one of the few fabrics that is stronger when wet rather than when dry. Linen bags are a little bit more expensive, but more environmentally friendly, since when replacing the bag, plastic does not get into nature. Linen is a natural fiber that is completely biodegradable.
If you would like to have juice with pulp, then you need to use a bag with a coarse mesh (100% polypropylene). Such a bag is suitable for pressing juice from plums, apricots, peaches, red currants, black currants and other berries and fruits. A coarse mesh bag can also be used for apples, pears and grapes, but the juice will be less clear in this case.
Recommendation: It is always good to have one spare bag so that the juice making process does not stop due to a torn filtration bag.
Sylvaine Ferrachat | 2023-08-31 23:55:04 |
Bonjour, pour information: nous avons donc reçu la presse mardi. Le colis était très bien emballé, et la presse ne nous a pas déçu :) Elle est de belle facture et nous avons déjà pu produire 8 litres de jus de pomme hier. Nous sommes ravis. France |
Дмитрий Тетерук | 2021-12-01 16:14:39 |
Great products from great manufacturer! 140kg of apples pressed into juice in less than 2 hours! Russia, Moscow Link to video overview : https://youtu.be/Y6lLUAJmeek |
Andrey Arefiev | 2021-09-24 12:58:19 |
Отжали 90 литров за два часа , очень довольны скоростью и качеством отжима. Жмых практически сухой, сок чистый , без лишних примесей. Москва, Россия |
pereokay09 | 2019-12-22 23:13:01 |
Très beau pressoir, bien conçu, efficace. Emballage parfait. Aucun regret d'avoir. France Link to review: https://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sia-apple-press&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&searchInterval=30 |
thomasebell | 2019-11-29 23:10:33 |
Quick action to get it shipped. Arrived in perfect condition. Well crafted. USA https://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sia-apple-press&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&searchInterval=30 |
soti56 | 2019-09-18 23:08:41 |
Très bien emballé. Produit très bien fini. Conforme à la description France Link to review: https://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sia-apple-press&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&searchInterval=30 |
Amazon Kunde | 2019-07-30 12:27:50 |
Die Saftpresse ist einfach Klasse! Die Verarbeitung ist sehr Hochwertig. Die Schweißnähte sind sauber und das Holz ist unbehandelt. Der Edelstahl ist auch qualitativ hochwertig. Der Wagenheber tut seinen Dienst und erleichtert das Pressen im Vergleich zu den Pressen mit Spindel einfach um ein vielfaches. Auch die Geschwindigkeit ist im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Saftpressen um ein vielfaches höher. Ich habe mir erst überlegt ob ich das ganze für den Eigenbedarf nachbaue, habe mich dann aber doch zum Kauf entschieden. Wenn man die Arbeitszeit mit einberechnet, lohnt sich der Nachbau nicht! Daher ist der Kauf die bessere Entscheidung. Wer Angst vor der Herkunft der Presse hat (Baltikum): Das ist vollkommen unbegründet! Der Versand klappt Reibungslos und es fehlt auch nichts im Lieferumfang. Es empfiehlt sich, wegen der Schnellen Pressung auch noch eine Obstmühle anzuschaffen und diese ggf. mit einer Bohrmaschine oder (In meinem Fall) einem Rührwerk aus dem Baumarkt oder Internet "zu tunen" Auch die Größe der Presse mit 30 L ist optimal. Kleiner würde ich sie nicht kaufen, da erstens der Preisunterschied nicht so gravierend ist und bei 30L wenigstens alles eine Größe hat, mit der sich arbeiten lässt. Germany Amazon review: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B01BA162C2?ref=myi_title_dp |
4mikra | 2017-05-17 16:16:31 |
Fast delivery, high quality, good price and friendly service-contact, thanks! Germany Link to review: https://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sia-apple-press&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&searchInterval=30 |
dieterakkordeon | 2017-01-18 16:01:04 |
Ware in Ordnung. Germany Link to review: https://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sia-apple-press&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&searchInterval=30 |
schimmelreiter20 | 2016-10-11 16:18:45 |
Hat gut geklappt. Nur der Wagenheber ist Billig-Schrott. Die Farbe blättert ab Germany Link to review: https://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sia-apple-press&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&searchInterval=30 |
Bob Waite | 2016-02-13 16:23:11 |
Great little company, selling top quality products. Picked my press up today, really happy! United Kingdom / Latvia, Sigulda Link to review: https://www.facebook.com/applepresses/posts_to_page/ |
Владимир Петров | 2014-09-16 16:22:43 |
Решение проблемы, когда яблок много - можно изготовить самому (несложно), а можно и заказать. Narva, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia Link to review: https://www.facebook.com/applepresses/posts_to_page/ |