Pressoir hydraulique à paquets pour jus de pommes TP 70 - Presse à paquets
1,349.00€ / Prix unitaire
1,114.88€ / Prix unitaire hors taxes
4-8 jours ouvrables
Note du produit:
Frais de port:
DHL Express - Livraison en/au/aux United States (3 jours ouvrables) - 1.00€
Express Post - Livraison en/au/aux United States (6 jours ouvrables) - 843.76€
FedEx Economy - Livraison en/au/aux United States (7 jours ouvrables) - 1,012.51€
Latvian Post - Livraison en/au/aux United States Priorité (1-2 semaines) - 1,012.51€
UPS Express - Livraison en/au/aux United States (2 jours ouvrables) - 1,012.51€
- Volume: 70 litres
- Weight: 82 kg
- Dimensions: 60x82x90 cm
- Made in Germany
- a table-top version of the established pack press
- simple and easy to use
- using a filling frame, fruits are packed in layers in fine-mesh Trevira press filters and pressed out under high pressure.
- fruit utilization is up to 80 %, depending on the fruit and the pressing quality. This is the highest utilization of all press systems.
- output per hour: up to 180 litres
Scope of supply: complete incl. hydraulic cylinder, six press plates, six press draperies and a filling frame, 0.5 metre spiral hose 25 mm.