Deshuesadora eléctrica para cerezas y mirabeles GM200

Marca: C+G Maschinen GmbH & Co. KG
C+G Maschinen GmbH & Co. KG
Código de producto: CG_MASCHINEN_GM200
4,999.00€ / Precio por unidad
4,131.40€ / Precio por unidad sin IVA
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Costo de envío:

UPS Express - Delivery to United States (2 business days) - 384.14€

FedEx Economy - Delivery to United States (7 business days) - 402.01€

Latvian Post - Delivery to United States Priority (1-2 weeks) - 430.46€

DHL Express - Delivery to United States (3 business days) - 469.38€

Express Post - Delivery to United States (6 business days) - 494.38€

Más métodos de envío
  • Weight: 28 kg
  • Dimensions: 665 x 600 x 420 mm (L x B x H)
  • Output : about 70-90 kg/hour (dependent on the size of the fruits)
  • Made in Germany

Fast, rationally, stone separating from every kind of cherries or mirabelles!

Highest possible security at removing the fruit stone concerning splinter and stone remains! Better than hand made!

Machine is most rigid for tough and continous operation!

Machine panels easy to remove without tools for cleaning in a few minutes!

Favourably purchase price and fast payback due to remarkable labour saving cost saving feature!