Elektriskais ābolu un augļu smalcinātājs ESE-018

Latvijas Pasta - Delivery to United States Priority (1-2 weeks) - 91,57€
FedEx Economy - Delivery to United States (7 business days) - 94,21€
UPS Express - Delivery to United States (2 business days) - 113,93€
Express Post - Delivery to United States (6 business days) - 116,69€
DHL Express - Delivery to United States (3 business days) - 142,66€
- Motora jauda: 0,22 kW
- Motora rotācijas ātrums: 1300/1560 apgr./min.
- Padeves spriegums: 230 V, 50 Hz/120 V, 60 Hz
- Veiktspēja: 200–300 kg stundā
- Padeves atvēruma diametrs: 85 mm
- Izmēri un svars: 23 х 34 х 43 cm, 8,5 kg
- Iepakojuma izmēri un svars: 31 x 40 x 51 cm, 10 kg
- 3 gadu garantija
- Ražots Latvijā
Tas ir mazākais elektriskā augļu smalcinātāja modelis, ko APPLE PRESS LTD izstrādāja un izgatavoja 2017. gadā. Modelis izrādījās tik veiksmīgs, ka pēc dažiem gadiem vīndarīšanas tirgū parādījās tā analogi un pat kopijas.
Augļu smalcinātājs ir paredzēts ābolu, bumbieru, cidoniju, ananāsu, ingvera, burkānu, ogu un dārzeņu smalcināšanai privātās mājsaimniecībās un mazās lauku saimniecībās.
To var lietot arī vīnogu smalcināšanai. Griešanas disks nesaspiež vīnogu sēklas, arī kātiņi paliek veseli un tiek izspiests cauri spraugai starp griešanas disku un smalcinātāja vāku.
Ar smalcinātāju palīdzību iegūtā augļu masa ir viegli izspiežama, un smalcināšanas pakāpe nodrošina vislabāko sulas iznākumu. Var izmantot, lai sasmalcinātu dārzeņu un sakņu kultūras mājputnu un citu mājlopu barošanai.
Veiktspējas ziņā šis smalcinātājs ir lieliski piemērots 10–26 litru augļu presei. Ja audzējat lielus ābolus, labāk būtu izvēlēties lielāku smalcinātāja modeli (ESE-055), lai āboli pirms smalcināšanas nebūtu jāgriež.
Nerūsējošā tērauda korpuss un griezējdisks
Visas smalcinātāja daļas, kas nonāk saskarē ar sulu, kā arī stiprinājumi un pamatne ir izgatavota no nerūsējošā pārtikas kategorijas tērauda AISI 304. Smalcinātāja iekšpusē ir rīves disks, ar kura palīdzību tiek sasmalcināti āboli. Diska otrā pusē ir speciāli asmeņi, kas izgrūž uz āru sasmalcināto masu. Silikona apmales sloksne starp smalcinātāja korpusu un vāku nodrošina hermētiskumu. Griešanas diska caurumu diametrs ir 8 mm. Smalcinātāja korpusa biezums ir 1,5 mm.
Uzticams motors un klusa darbība
Augļu smalcinātājam ir uzstādīts NERI MOTORI (Itālija) ražotais vienfāzes elektromotors. Šādi motori labi iztur ilgstošu slodzi un nepārkarst. Tā kā motoram ir neliels rotācijas ātrums, smalcinātājs darbojas klusi un nerada pārmērīgu troksni.
Ērta konstrukcija
Noregulētais leņķis starp padeves cauruli un griešanas disku nodrošina, ka griešanas disks satver ābolus, tāpēc tie nav jāstumj. Zem ābolu smalcinātāja pamatnes ir gumijas pēdas stabilai fiksācijai uz darba virsmas un vibrācijas slāpēšanai. Smalcinātāja pamatnē ir caurumi tā nostiprināšanai uz darba virsmas. Glabājot tas neaizņem daudz vietas. Var uzstādīt tieši no augšas uz preses groza.
Komplektā jau ir iekļauts viss darba sākšanai nepieciešamais
Smalcinātāja komplektā ir iekļauts smalcinātājs, griešanas disks ar 8 mm caurumiem, Eiropas standarta kontaktdakša CEE 7/7 (E/F) / maiņstrāvas adapters no Eiropas uz Lielbritānijas standarta kontaktdakšu, G tips / Amerikas NEMA 5-15P standarta kontaktdakša (atkarībā no galamērķa valsts), lietotāja rokasgrāmata.
Ābolu, bumbieru, cidoniju, ingvera, ananāsu, vīnogu, burkānu smalcināšana:
Smalcinātāja veiktspēja (ābolu smalcināšana):
Smalcinātāja apskats:
Liels paldies mūsu klientam par brīnišķīgo un detalizēto smalcinātāja apskatu!
Luc Giraud | 2024-07-04 11:21:41 |
I love the fruit press (20 L basket). I use it every year to press about 200 L of apple juice and it does the job well. I appreciate the design in particular. The press is quite compact for its size and can be moved around yet it is tall enough to accommodate a container under it to collect the juice. The purchase process itself was straightforward and the delivery excellent. The packaging was very solid and nothing was damaged in transport. It is easy to press apples with the press. I had issues with jamming the wooden piston initially and damaged the screw end. Your support was exceptional then and you kindly sent me a metal piston to replace the wooden one, which works much better for me. I really like the crusher as well. It is very compact and crushes apples effectively. Both products are perfect for me and the amount of apples I am juicing. Ireland |
8984thomas | 2023-11-18 14:15:12 |
AS described USA Link to review: https://feedback.ebay.com/fdbk/feedback_profile/sia-apple-press?&filter=feedback_page:RECEIVED_AS_SELLER |
Paul Bouma | 2022-09-30 19:51:34 |
Just did a box of syrah grapes through the ESE-018. No lagging, no strain, no time at all...and all 28 lbs. through and treated with Camden tablets in a clean five gallon lidded bucket...next few days we'll put eight or nine five gallon buckets of gala apples through it for pressing for hard cider. Great little crusher; getting the blade back onto the spline or main power shaft had me for a second or two, but it turns a certain way to fit tight. I feel lucky to have one. Thanks! USA |
Yuriy | 2022-08-27 04:58:07 |
Переработал 250кг яблок менее чем за 3 часа с перерывом на обед. Отличная конструкция, легко моется, безопасность и производительность на высоте. Обнаружил только один недостаток - пришлось вручную устранять биение режущего диска. В остальном всё супер! Казахстан |
Viola | 2022-07-06 11:22:00 |
Absolut empfehlenswert, TOP Maschine. |
Joe Ulewicz | 2022-02-05 07:15:07 |
I just bought the ESE-018 and I must say it looks very well made unit. It crushed kilo of apples in no time at all! It arrived in the UK from Latvia in surprisingly quick time with excellent communications from the Apple Press throughout. I'm looking forward to trying it out in earnest in the autumn. Thanks guys! |
Pascal Vachon | 2021-12-28 00:55:59 |
Best purchase ever. Combined with the GP-12 press I produced very rapidly and easily 30 gallons of apple juice. Easy to clean. I would strongly recommend. One thing, since build for european electric standards, will require electrical modifications to attain full power in North America, however will work at a lower power in America, one just need to be careful not to put uncut apples in the mill (leave the heart of the apples out). USA (customer review from Pressfruit Ltd.) |
Дмитрий Тетерук | 2021-12-01 16:17:49 |
Great products from great manufacturer! 140kg of apples pressed into juice in less than 2 hours! Russia, Moscow Link to video overview : https://youtu.be/Y6lLUAJmeek |
Jens Eberlein | 2021-10-18 19:24:26 |
Ich habe die Obstmühle am Wochenende das zweite mal benutzt und bin damit sehr zufrieden. Top Maschine! Germany |
kaleale | 2021-09-20 11:23:49 |
This is a high quality, inheritable piece of equipment-- works excellent, doubled our juice extraction from the homemade one we had. Very happy- Big Thank You! USA Link to review: https://feedback.ebay.com/fdbk/feedback_profile/sia-apple-press?&filter=feedback_page:RECEIVED_AS_SELLER |
gmartin115 | 2021-08-23 11:19:48 |
The fruit crusher arrived in the nick of time! I started using it right away and it works great. Ran out of apples to crush. USA Link to review: https://feedback.ebay.com/fdbk/feedback_profile/sia-apple-press?&filter=feedback_page:RECEIVED_AS_SELLER |
tube-3iq | 2021-05-30 23:52:41 |
macht ausgezeichneten Eindruck Germany Link to review: https://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=sia-apple-press&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&searchInterval=30 |
Karll Rusch | 2021-03-28 00:39:44 |
Just tried out my new apple crusher and am very impressed with it’s performance. In the past I made a crusher out of a small electric wood chipper by taking the hopper off. The problem was it would not take a whole apple and it was hard to clean. The ESE-018 went through the apples with ease, it was very easy to clean, and did not spray apple everywhere. Looking forward to apple season! USA |
Dennis Donahue | 2020-11-11 19:19:01 |
The cider season in Lyme New Hampshire USA is finished. We were able to have one day with new Electric fruit crusher ESE-018. 100kg of apples in about 50 minutes. Next year we will be able to make more cider, perhaps 400 - 500 kg of apples. This would not be possible without the ESE-018! Thank you for a great product and fast shipping. The world is getting smaller - crusher from Latvia to USA. |
AmazonFrequentShopper | 2020-10-16 00:21:36 |
Upgraded to a hydropress this year, and decided to take a chance on this grinder. So glad for this purchase! The grinder can keep up with the flow just fine. We typically will juice 50-60 gallons in one morning, and after 3 days (150+ gallons) the grinder is excellent! When paired with a 40L hydro-press bladder style juicer, this grinder makes a great set! Quality! USA Amazon review: https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Fruit-Crusher-ESE-018-scratter/dp/B07RQNJTP3/ref=sr_1_14?dchild=1&keywords=SIA+Apple+Press&qid=1589188760&sr=8-14 |
Jim Stein | 2020-10-06 18:17:33 |
I recieved my Grinder a day ahead of schedule in good condition, I am very pleased with the design and construction. It works great, easy to clean and stores well in it's shipping carton. I'm having a few people coming over to help with Cider and I think they will be pleased. I'm looking forward to many years of service from this Grinder. Jim (USA) |
Michael | 2020-09-20 21:41:04 |
Sehr gute Obstmühle, einfach und effektiv in der Handhabung. |
Dominik Mühlberger | 2020-04-08 16:34:08 |
Heute ist meine Obstpresse angekommen. Bald geht's los und die ersten Früchte werden zu Likör verarbeitet. Special Thanks to @sia_apple_press . Likörerei Mühlberger, Österreich Link to review: https://www.facebook.com/Likorerei/photos/pcb.155457702600538/155457649267210 |
Gary White | 2019-10-23 12:20:33 |
Super compact, easy to attach to a flat surface.. requiring only one screw(not included). Easy to break down and clean. Overall I'm happy with this product. USA Amazon review: https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Fruit-Crusher-ESE-018-scratter/dp/B07RQNJTP3/ref=sr_1_14?dchild=1&keywords=SIA+Apple+Press&qid=1589188760&sr=8-14 |
Kristel Pelt | 2018-10-16 22:20:46 |
Great product, works exactly as visible at video - very convinient for small households with couple of apple-trees for making juice. Communication with Apple-Press was fast and smooth too, they answered to my questions almost in minutes. Also the delivery to foreign country was very quick, so everything was just fine, i recommend to everyone, who is looking for good apple-crusher with reasonable price. Estonia |
Марк Алексеев | 2017-10-16 16:29:24 |
Андрей, добрый день, хочу поблагодарить Вас за дробилку ЕSE-018 и пресс VP-20, заготовка сока в самом разгаре, так как лето было дождливое и холодное, летние сорта только что созрели. Спасибо большое!!! Россия, Псков |