Нож для прививки и окулировки FELCO 3.90 40
59.00€ / Unit Price
48.76€ / Unit Price exclude taxes
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DHL Express - Доставка в United States (3 рабочих дней) - 1.00€
Latvian Post - Доставка в United States Приоритет (1-2 недели) - 9.18€
FedEx Economy - Доставка в United States (7 рабочих дней) - 23.67€
Express Post - Доставка в United States (6 рабочих дней) - 36.94€
UPS Express - Доставка в United States (2 рабочих дней) - 37.85€
Budding knife with bark lifter on the back of the blade. Small and strong. Red nylon handle with standard alloy lining. Stainless steel blade, bevelled on one side, right-handed tool, 44 mm. Suitable for budding fruit trees, rose bushes or vines.
Made in Switzerland